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Foam rolling smoothens and lengthens muscles, and breaks up adhesions and scar tissue. It also helps your muscles relax. The result is better blood circulation, which speeds workout recovery and boosts performance.  Think of it as ironing out the wrinkles in your torn up musculature.  


Foam rolling is recommended after a workout or paddle session and before stretching. It can be just as, if not more important than stretching, so if you’re short on time, just take five to 10 minutes to roll out.


Here is a good routine for paddlers to follow:

Calf: Roll side to side three to five times on your lower calf, then move the roller up higher on the calf and repeat.

Hamstring: Roll side to side and lengthwise until you feel some release.


Glutes: Sit on the foam roller and roll both side to side and up and down until you feel some release.

Back: Start with the roller under your lower back and slowly roll lengthwise up and down the entire length of the back three to five times.


IT Band (outside of leg): Turn on your side and roll out your leg lengthwise and side to side, three to five times on each leg. (This one will hurt.)


Quads: Flip over and roll out your quads lengthwise and side to side three to five times.


As you do this total body routine, avoid rolling over joints.


If you ever run into an area that feels like there is a lump, instead of rolling over it multiple times, statically press into it for 15-30 seconds.


Foam rollers cost between $20-40 and can be found at any store that sells fitness-related equipment. They come in different levels of firmness; an extra firm roller will dig into the fascia more and also cause more pain. A softer roller will be less painful to use.


Heather Herbeck has a B.Sc. in Exercise Science and is a pro-kayaker, Certified Personal Trainer and Level 1 Crossfit Trainer with over 15 years experience. Check out her website for personal training or fitness consultations and trainings via Internet or phone.


Published in Rapid Magazine September 12, 2014

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